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Hey there

Basically i'm wanting to make my site compatible with firefox aswell as Internet Explorer.

At the moment firefox is perfect but internet explorer, well i seriously don't know how its putting out some of the shit on it. Its putting out green and light blue colours in some of the tables where the colour codes do not exsist in the CSS stylesheet im running.

Can anyone here point me in the right direction with either support or a website showing how to make the CSS shes compatiable with both browsers?



Re: Making CSS compatible with IE!

I ran into this problem before....I assume yo have the css already made and its just not working right in IE but works right in FF....

open your header...





add after



All it is, is you have to set standards for the pages..

And a thanks to Floydian cause he showed me this :-D


Re: Making CSS compatible with IE!


I ran into this problem before....I assume yo have the css already made and its just not working right in IE but works right in FF....

open your header...





add after



All it is, is you have to set standards for the pages..

And a thanks to Floydian cause he showed me this :-D

Dont you mean add before?

And also replace






<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

Re: Making CSS compatible with IE!


Well we will need to see some sort of css input and output i.e your header file including the styles for the layout

Well i am hardly going to post my CSS stylesheets and my header. :|

AlabamaHit, thankyou for your input but i already have page standards set yet it still throws out a completely messed up script in IE!


I also tried your input Tezza but didnt produce results.. :oops:

I believe i have to add extras onto my CSS stylesheets to make it compatiable with IE?


Re: Making CSS compatible with IE!


am just saying their might be a problem in your header or css

Fair enough

Here is the beggining of my header.php

class headers {
function startheaders() {
global $ir, $set;
echo <<<EOF
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="XXX" />
<script type="text/javascript">

var newwindow;

function poptastic(url){



if (window.focus) {newwindow.focus()}


[if IE] ><script type=text/javascript>document.location='www.mozilla.com/firefox/';</script> 
<table width="90%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" align="center" class="">

<td class="center">
function userdata($ir,$lv,$fm,$cm,$dosessh=1)

Re: Making CSS compatible with IE!

Try this...

In YOUR header....

Move your linnk

so delete


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="XXX" />


Now go down in your header.



die ("<body>Your account may be broken. Please mail [email][email protected][/email] stating your username and player ID.");


Now add after that..


echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="XXX" />';


I know that dont sound right and weird but try it.....


Re: Making CSS compatible with IE!

Yes thats the thing, i have gone through my CSS file MANY times, i have checked every colour code and none match the colours showing in IE. My suspician is a colour code in the script which didnt have like a close bracket but even then it would probably show in Mozilla aswell so i mighty confused.


Re: Making CSS compatible with IE!

Tezza, the CSS link you gave was very helpful and helped but its just the one last thing.

The light blue colour in the area of where everything shows up such as explore or gangs etc. (not the mainmenu or the header section)

Thats still this yuk light blue!


Re: Making CSS compatible with IE!

Succesfully Fixed. The last problem was in the header. It was declaring the Background colour after the mainmenu to be ##XXXXXX due to scrappy code. Cleaned up and working!

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