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two problems...#1 "crons" #2"basic settings"

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Ok i have my crons set up but it is still not working. i've had some one look at it and they didn't know why. and this is the same with the basic game settings...it says it gets saved but it dont save. anyone have any suggestions?


Re: two problems...#1 "crons" #2"basic settings"

i have covered my pass word and code but don't see anything wrong there

$_CONFIG = array(
'hostname' => 'localhost',
'username' => 'owetis_owetis',
'password' => '*******',
'database' => 'owetis_codes',
'persistent' => 0,
'driver' => 'mysql',
'code' => '*****************'

Re: two problems...#1 "crons" #2"basic settings"

Except for the fact that you just revealed your cpanel login and mysqldatabase name, it looks ok to me, but I don't really know for sure.


Re: two problems...#1 "crons" #2"basic settings"


do you mean that the GameName Dosnt Save

that is what im trying to say.....that and cron arnt working even tho their set up right...


Re: two problems...#1 "crons" #2"basic settings"

Had a similiar problem when I set up my engine ended up being a server issue with the entry of crons . Try removing them and then using the advanced option to enter your cron information. If that doesn't work you can always ask your server provider for a hand they are usually pretty good about crons .

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