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Current info for http://notoriousonline.net

Total Users: 1387

Amount of users that pay: 128

Current Pagerank: PR 3

Total Uniques This Month (as of May 21, 2007): 3803 uniques

Total Page Hits: 2.3 million approx.

Hosting Time Left: 7 months through tbabhosting.com ( Unlimited Bandwidth )


Current info for http://notoriousonline-v2.net

Total Users: 436

Amount of users that pay:

Current Pagerank: PR 0

Hosting Time Left: 9 months through tbabhosting.com ( Unlimited Bandwidth )

Paypal Screenshots:





Total Weekly Income: $500-$1200/week (includes money from checks, money orders, and cash in the mail)

Asking $5000.00 OBO

Sale will be made through an escrow service that the buyer and seller agree on.

I reserve the right to refuse sale to anyone for any reason.

Please PM me all offers, and questions. I will reply with either an answer, or my MSN address.

Serious Enquires Only Please.


Re: NotoriousOnline for sale


$500 - $1200 a week and you cant refund my $20 for that banner you said you didnt have time to make for me?

Refuse to refund for the fact that you're selling my mods, as well as everyone elses, and yes I have proof, you tried to sell my ammo mod to Ice Queen, and my bodyguard to several other people, so don't even bother


Re: NotoriousOnline for sale


Your weekly estimates and your paypal images dont add up.

you should take time and use a calculator, because you severely miscalculated, the first week posted was $612.50, not including money orders, and cash in the mail.


Re: NotoriousOnline for sale

For the record, since the original email was edited......

I have all the paypal transactions in an excel spreadsheet, my math is accurate and the period of April 22 - April 28th shows $430.


Re: NotoriousOnline for sale


For the record, since the original email was edited......

I have all the paypal transactions in an excel spreadsheet, my math is accurate and the period of April 22 - April 28th shows $430.

May 13th - 20th = $612.50


Re: NotoriousOnline for sale

Great game worth every penny nice turn over your soon get your money back : :-D also Genocide please check your mail her and forward it please thanks :-D It's a great game :wink:


Re: NotoriousOnline for sale

Genocide Pop on msn please soon if possible or send me what i need ive sent you a pm on Ce to let yo know what it is thanks Also £k worth more with the donations :-P

please i really need it from you :-)

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