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Please help...


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Hi all.

I'm creating a mod for my brother's game and I'm having a bit of trouble with it.

Brief Description: The mod will allow the Donation Fund President to buy medical equipment and chemicals to cure a disease. The cost of each item will be deducted from the donation fund.

My Problem: I've tried to code it so that the President can't buy more than one of the same item at a time and they have to buy medical equipment before they can produce medicine. However, I can buy multiple Chemical 1's (one of the medical items). And even if I buy the Medical Equipment (another item), I can't access the Produce Medicine bit.

I'll post the two functions that contain these problems. I'm not experiencing any errors, just what I explained above.

President Page function:

function pres_itemsbuy()
global $db,$ir,$h,$c,$userid;

$_GET['ID'] = abs((int) $_GET['ID']);
$q = ("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `itmid` = {$_GET['ID']}");
$itemd = ($db->query($q));

$sql1 = ("SELECT * FROM `researchitems`");
$query1 = $db->query($sql1);
$row1 = $db->fetch_row($query1);

$qq = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `itmid` = '%d'",

while($r = $db->fetch_row($itemd))
	$price = ($r['itmbuyprice']);

	if($ir['fundpres'] == 0)
		die("You need to be President of the Research Fund to buy items. <a href = 'index.php' />Go Home</a>");

	if(mysql_num_rows($qq) == 0)
		die("Invalid item ID");

	elseif($_GET['ID'] == $row1['itemID'])
		print "You have already purchased this item. <a href = 'researchfund.php?action=prespage' />Go Back</a>";

	elseif($row1['totalfund'] < $r['itmbuyprice'])
		print "There is not enough money in the Research Fund to buy this item. <a href = 'researchfund.php?action=prespage' />Go Back</a>";

		$u = sprintf("UPDATE `researchitems` SET `totalfund` = `totalfund` - '%d'",


		$u2 = sprintf("INSERT INTO `researchitems` (ID, itemID, itemPRICE) VALUES (%d, %d, %d)",
					  '', $_GET['ID'], $r['itmbuyprice']);


		print "You purchased {$r['itmname']} for £".money_formatter($price,'').". <a href = 'researchfund.php?action=prespage' />Click here to return</a>";


And the Produce Medicine function:

function med_create()
global $db,$ir,$userid;

$select = ("SELECT * FROM `researchitems`");
$qselect = $db->query($select);
$rowselect = $db->fetch_row($qselect);

if($rowselect['itemID'] != 105)
	die("You don't have the correct medical equipment to produce medicine. You need to buy the equipment first. <a href = 'researchfund.php' />Return to Research Fund</a>");

elseif($rowselect['itemID'] != 96 OR $rowselect['itemID'] != 97 OR $rowselect['itemID'] != 98 OR $rowselect['itemID'] != 99 OR $rowselect['itemID'] != 100 OR $rowselect['itemID'] != 101)
	die("You don't have any chemicals or substances to produce any medicine. <a href = 'researchfund.php' />Return to Research Fund</a>");

elseif($rowselect['itemID'] == 96 AND $rowselect['itemID'] == 97)
	print "<form action = 'researchfund.php?action=medcreate1' />
	<input type = 'submit' value = 'Produce Medicine 1' /> </form>";

elseif($rowselect['itemID'] == 98 AND $rowselect['itemID'] == 99)
	print "<form action = 'researchfund.php?action=medcreate2' />
	<input type = 'submit' value = 'Produce Medicine 2' /> </form>";

elseif($rowselect['itemID'] == 100 AND $rowselect['itemID'] == 101)
	print "<form action = researchfund.php?action=medcreate3' />
	<input type = 'submit' value = 'Produce Medicine 3' /> </form>";

	print "Either you've produced all of the medicine or you don't have the correct chemicals or substances. <a href = 'research.php' />Return to Research Fund</a>";


I also have functions to create 3 types of medicine, but I can't test them until I fix this, so I may experience some problems with those too.

Please note that I am still a newbie coder and any help will be highly appreciated. :)

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