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I think the upper crimes are getting too much experience points but cant find where to lower them or the formula that determins how much you get... can anyone help? I get a level every time I commit a crime above the lvl 50 crimes.


setting xp for crimes

I just found the EXP in docrime.php


$ir['exp']+=(int) ($r['crimeSUCCESSMUNY']/8 );

So I belive it divides the success money that is in the database for crimes by 8 to get your exp value.


setting xp for crimes

i am struggling to understand how the crimePERCFORM works




could someone please give this idiot and idiots guide on how to work this out for the higher level crimes


setting xp for crimes


(80% of the users current will divide 4) + (users level divided by 4)


full will and level 1

(20) + (0.25)

=20.25 <<<<result

This is the number the user must get below when a random number is generated.


10 = pass

20 = pass

21 and above = fail

or so thats what I heard, hope its right :hmmm:


setting xp for crimes

you shouldnt be leveling. i think somewhere u have a thing that dabomstew use to use in mc1 in ur docrime.php he must of left it in there before distributing lite. it added 80 percent to his success rate.

look for this

if($ir['userid']==1) {$sucrate=$sucrate+80;}




if($userid==1) {$sucrate=$sucrate+80;}


sucrate might be spelled succrate im not sure. just use ctrl+f in your html editor...


setting xp for crimes


that sounds familiar' date=' i have seen this on the forum elsewhere but couldn't find it. i'll be working this out all day, math never was my strong point :)[/quote']

Ya in one of the other topics, i posted a way you could "unlock" the exp from the success money. Cant remember where thought

  • 3 months later...

Re: setting xp for crimes

i also need someone to help with crimes

i need someone to make 155 crime experience math things with the crime exp

won ohh its just the math and won exp not the whole crime i can do the writing

i need it to range from level 1 to 999....

also i need a little help wilth taking the caps away very minor i did it but get some errors like in bank

money is real tight now so i have to pay in donator packages

please help if real money is a must maybe we can work out a deal

i d even be willing to pay as soon as i make the money off the game!!!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Re: setting xp for crimes

so experience is awarded by money rewarded/8?

the success formula 0.8/4 + level/4

should that formula be used for all crimes other than the first ones to keep them in correlation with level and will?

pardon my ignorance if this appears to be a dumb question.

  • 11 months later...

Re: setting xp for crimes


Is there a way to seperate Experience from Success Money?

How would i go about doing that?

Yes there is, edit into staff_crimes then code it into the database then code it out of the docrime.php then insert xp gain into the crime from your crime table. Feel free to try this I haven't as such be warned.


Re: setting xp for crimes


Yes there is, edit into staff_crimes then code it into the database then code it out of the docrime.php then insert xp gain into the crime from your crime table. Feel free to try this I haven't as such be warned.

Sorry i'm a little slow with coding and still in the process of learning as this is my first attempt at modifying scripts for games, as it is, i'm using this to learn as a for fun experience to improve on scripting.

Could you possibly explain this to me a bit? lol the coding/editting you just explained sounds more complicated than it probably is.


Re: setting xp for crimes

Well first run this sql in your db


then you need to update your staff_crimes.php and make something to edit xp there. Next you need to edit docrime.php and where the code bases off the money make it check the sql according to the sql you just entered. You should run a back up before you attempt this.


Re: setting xp for crimes

ok lemme make it easier to understand...

Right now i'm illiterate so i am hoping someone could code it for me and possibly explain how it works.

I learn better hands on.


Re: setting xp for crimes

Pft well I left to go hang out with a few friends. And well if you know what you are doing it is easy most of the time coding wise. It just might be cumbersome.


Re: setting xp for crimes

Well i will stop wasting your time with this little stuff :P

Thanks for all the help and description of how everything goes :)

Much Appreciated.


Re: setting xp for crimes

It might run into 1 or 2 error messages but I don't *think* that should be an issue. Its sorta just is figuring out your formula in the game. But be sure to make a back up as I don't want to be held responsible if you screw your site up.


Re: setting xp for crimes

The one i'm testing on has v2 now, so that script looks like it'll work and there is NOOOOOOOOOOOOO users other than me and the owner...

I'll let you know how it turns out!


Re: setting xp for crimes

QUERY ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '1)' at line 1

Query was INSERT INTO crimes (crimeNAME, crimeBRAVE, crimePERCFORM, crimeSUCCESSMUNY, crimeSUCCESSCRYS, crimeSUCCESSITEM, crimeGROUP, crimeITEXT, crimeSTEXT, crimeFTEXT, crimeJTEXT, crimeJAILTIME, crimeJREASON, crimeXP) VALUES( 'test', '1', '((WILL*0.8)/1.1)+(LEVEL/4)', '50', 0, 0, '3', 'testing', 'yay', 'no', 'shit', 1, 'dang it', 1),1)


i tested your code this is what i received.


Re: setting xp for crimes


QUERY ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '1)' at line 1

Query was INSERT INTO crimes (crimeNAME, crimeBRAVE, crimePERCFORM, crimeSUCCESSMUNY, crimeSUCCESSCRYS, crimeSUCCESSITEM, crimeGROUP, crimeITEXT, crimeSTEXT, crimeFTEXT, crimeJTEXT, crimeJAILTIME, crimeJREASON, crimeXP) VALUES( 'test', '1', '((WILL*0.8)/1.1)+(LEVEL/4)', '50', 0, 0, '3', 'testing', 'yay', 'no', 'shit', 1, 'dang it', 1),1)


i tested your code this is what i received.

hm... I think I figured it out. I need a picture of your staff_crimes.php and your docrime.php to double check. I believe its just theres not enough fields for it to fit. And it got screwed up maybe.

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