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Cronus last won the day on April 1 2016

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About Cronus

  • Birthday 02/21/1990

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  • Location
    Toledo, Ohio, USA

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  1. I have just started work on a new game as well with my old partner Arson. It will be on SurviveOron.com ... there is really nothing to show yet, and registration is closed. I'll be adding a page to be notified when the game releases at some point. If you want to see what I'm doing with the game check blog.surviveoron.com
  2. Good examples so far. Still considering starting one up.
  3. Hi guys! Long time no see. I was just wondering, are there any current MCCodes games out there that are relatively successful/large anymore? I've been thinking about developing a new game just for poops and laughs but I wasn't sure if it was even worth my time. I know the ad service I used to use for growing my games recently went out of business so I wasn't sure how the market stood. Whether it's yours, or someone elses, I'd love to see some current ones that you deem 'successful'. Also I'm considering doing paid work on the side for people with games. I've recently graduated college(finally) and gotten a steady job so I find myself with more free time. Message me with any (serious) inquiries. Later!
  4. thanks! i have been paid, this thread can be taken down
  5. Thank you dave, I message CB semi-frequently and get no response... my account is up over $230 now
  6. still nothing, planning on bringing this up until they pay me
  7. Well, I have over $140 pending in cashouts on MCCodes.com right now... I asked for a cashout back at the beginning of august and CB assured me he would cash me out that night. Here we are nearly a month later and no cashout and no responses from CB. Sorry I had to post a thread CB but you've been completely ignoring me... just pay me already. So right now... bad collaboration experience with the marketplace......     pics or it didnt happen
  8. Another reason I'm going for the Xbox One, all my friends have it. I want to play online with my friends and everyone I know is getting Xbox One. I only know a handful of PS3 owners around and they all hate it because they can't play games with the rest of us.   Xbox has all of this and the RRoD has been dead for quite some time. In fact, Assassin's Creed 2 is now one of the freebies to download for Xbox 360 if you have a membership. But really it all comes down to online and what my friends buy so I can game with them.
  9. I'll be going with the Xbox One. Since Microsoft changed their DRM policies I don't really see any difference between them except the exclusive games. I don't think either have good enough exclusives to warrant buying one or the other, but the online on Xbox is FAR better than PS. They both have blue rays, both have cameras(kinect/move), both have decent controllers. Really the online is the only thing better. And since Xbox One games can support huge battles now... I'd have to go with them. Also microsoft opened the dev side of the xbox one so now ANYONE can create games without being connected to a major label. This means tons of independent games will be released. PS also has this but I feel more devs will jump on the microsoft bandwagon.
  10. Breaking Bad Always Sunny In Philadelphia Walking Dead Parks and Recreation
  11. Site has been sold, this thread can be locked. Sold the site but not the rights to the mods, FYI. My mods will still be sold on MCCodeMods and MCCodes.com, through me.
  12. No, my mods are non-transferable. I've always done it this way since I sell them so cheap.
  13. I didn't sell the rights to the mods, just the site itself. You can't sell my mods, even if i had sold the rights to someone else, that someone ISN'T you. When you purchase the mods from me they are non-transferable, sorry.
  14. danger boy, i tried responding to your messages but your inbox is full so i cant....
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