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Gang System Revamped [Being Worked On-Updated 8-26-2024]

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using MCCodes v2

so here is the gang system.... here is everything I'm looking to have within it...

1. Gang Ranks system with privileges (STATUS: DONE)
Gang creator is auto set as "Leader" and has all privileges.
members that join the gang will be auto set to "Recruit".
leader will be able to set each member ranks after they join, each rank has its own set of privileges.
- I.E. -
Recruit = OG Crimes, Gang Mail, Forums
Street Soldier = OG Crimes, Gang Mail, Forums, Recruit members.
Capo = OG Crimes, Gang Mail, Recruit members, Forums, Manage Vault & Armory.
Underboss = OG Crimes, Gang Mail, Forums, Recruit members, Manage Vault & Armory, Start Gang Wars, Manage Gang Apps, Change Announcements, Change Gang Description.
Leader = OG Crimes, Gang Mail, Forums, Recruit members, Manage Vault & Armory, Start Gang Wars, Manage Gang Apps, Change Announcements, Change Gang Description, Change Gang Name, Change Gang Tag, Upgrade Gang Capacity.

2. Gang Respect System. (STATUS: 75% DONE)
Gang gains respect by doing Successful OG Crimes & Wars.
Gang Loses respect by losing wars.
NO respect lost from failed OG Crimes.

3. Gang Banner System. (STATUS: DONE)
self-explainable lol... but the gang banner will be viewed on "yourgang" page, Gang list, and when viewing gang.


4.Gang Leveling System. (STATUS: DONE)
Gang gains exp winning fights with other users that are also in a gang. 
Gang gains SMALL exp from successful OG Crimes.

5. Organized Crimes system. (STATUS: DONE)
Gang member can start them, each crime made has different requirements to start. 
(Gang Level, Members, & REP.)

Crimes reward gang with Gang Respect & Small amount of EXP
Higher levels of crimes can reward gang with Money and/or Crystals aswell.


6. Vault & Armory System. (STATUS: 25% DONE)
Gang members can donate Money, Crystals, and items to gang, staff can do mass payments and can give individual users payments or items that have been donated to gang.

7. View Gang Page. (STATUS: DONE)
page to include...
Gang Details (President, VP, Respect, Level, Gang Banner)
Gang Description (BBcode or HTML compatible)
built-in Gang Apply link
List of gang members (includes: Username, user Level, Days In Gang, Gang Rank, User Online)

8. YourGang Page. (STATUS: DONE)
page to include...
Gang Tag and name
Actions section (users can click links to view Summary, Members, Donate, Crimes, ect.)
Announcements (BBcode or HTML compatible)

9. Log System. (STATUS: NOT STARTED)
Vault/Armoury log of last ?? items donated
track total # of User(in a gang) Attacks Won & Loss
track total # of Wars won & loss
track total # of OGCrimes done
Success and fail Logs of OGCrimes
User Attack & Defend Logs
Gang Event log(users applying to join, getting kicked, ect.)

10. Gang Upgrade system. (STATUS: DONE)
just a simple thing to upgrade Gang Capacity using crystals and money
Upgrading requires a specific gang level and respect.

11. Gang Mail-Chat system (STATUS: BASIC VERSION DONE)
Gang chat system.







Edited by MajikalJoker
Updating Status and screens added
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On 8/7/2023 at 8:14 AM, MajikalJoker said:

okay, so I have tried and have spent months apon months trying to do some-to-most of this myself and i have hit wall after wall with it, this wall im at now im just tired... and I'm willing to now pay for this, i can not do this by myself/alone, BUT I need some prices

using MCCodes v2


so here is the gang system.... here is everything I'm looking to have within it...

1. Gang Ranks system with privileges
Gang creator is auto set as "Leader" and has all privileges.
members that join the gang will be auto set to "Recruit".
leader will be able to set each member ranks after they join, each rank has its own set of privileges.
- I.E. -
Recruit = OG Crimes, Gang Mail, Forums
Street Soldier = OG Crimes, Gang Mail, Forums, Recruit members.
Capo = OG Crimes, Gang Mail, Recruit members, Forums, Manage Vault & Armory.
Underboss = OG Crimes, Gang Mail, Forums, Recruit members, Manage Vault & Armory, Start Gang Wars, Manage Gang Apps, Change Announcements, Change Gang Description.
Leader = OG Crimes, Gang Mail, Forums, Recruit members, Manage Vault & Armory, Start Gang Wars, Manage Gang Apps, Change Announcements, Change Gang Description, Change Gang Name, Change Gang Tag, Upgrade Gang Capacity.

2. Gang Respect System.
Gang gains respect by doing Successful OG Crimes & Wars.
Gang Loses respect by losing wars.
NO respect lost from failed OG Crimes.

3. Gang Banner System.
self-explainable lol... but the gang banner will be viewed on "yourgang" page, Gang list, and when viewing gang.

4.Gang Leveling System.
Gang gains exp winning fights with other users that are also in a gang. 
Gang gains SMALL exp from successful OG Crimes.

5. Organized Crimes system.
Gang member can start them, each crime made has different requirements to start. 
- I.E. -
a crime may require
4 gang members
Gang level 2
Gang respect 150
takes 2 hour to complete.
10 gang members
Gang level 13
Gang respect 260
takes 6 hour to complete.

Crimes reward gang with Gang Respect & Small amount of EXP
Higher levels of crimes can reward gang with Money and/or Crystals


6. Vault & Armory System.
Gang members can donate Money, Crystals, and items to gang, staff can do mass payments and can give individual users payments or items that have been donated to gang.

7. View Gang Page.
page to include...
Gang Details (President, VP, Respect, Level, Gang Banner)
Gang Description (BBcode or HTML compatible)
-?Maybe a built-in Gang Apply button or link?-
List of gang members (includes: Username, user Level, Days In Gang, Gang Ran, User Online)

8. YourGang Page.
page to include...
Gang Tag and name
Actions section (users can click links to view Summary, Members, Donate, Crimes, ect.)
Announcements (BBcode or HTML compatible)

9. Log System.
Vault/Armory log of last ?? items donated
track total # of User(in a gang) Attacks Won & Loss
track total # of Wars won & loss
track total # of OGCrimes done
Success and fail Logs of OGCrimes
User Attack & Defend Logs
Gang Event log(users applying to join, getting kicked, ect.)

10. Gang Upgrade system
just a simple thing to upgrade Gang Capacity using crystals and money, maybe even require a specific gang level or respect to upgrade after doing it 2-3 times.

10. Gang Mail-Chat system
also self-explainable, i believe most GRPG systems use this

A lot of this has been written and made available before. If you did around enough I'm sure you can save some $$ from putting a few of the pieces together yourself.

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  • MajikalJoker changed the title to Gang System Revamped [Being Worked On]

Thank you for letting me know, and i have updated the status of this build on the main post, a lot of things are getting re-arranged and laid out for the look and feel of the game, and wrapping it all together, it is a challenge for me due to still learning a lot of this lol

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  • MajikalJoker changed the title to Gang System Revamped [Being Worked On-Updated 1-14-2024]
12 hours ago, MajikalJoker said:

Thank you for letting me know, and i have updated the status of this build on the main post, a lot of things are getting re-arranged and laid out for the look and feel of the game, and wrapping it all together, it is a challenge for me due to still learning a lot of this lol

by looks and sound of it you're doing a pretty good job for still learning. 🙂

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
  • MajikalJoker changed the title to Gang System Revamped [Being Worked On-Updated 8-26-2024]

This is the sorta gang system i was going to create it reminds me of torns factions as this is pretty much how a lot of torns faction work (Accept leader / co coleader) can set what they can do by sending mails accepting members vault crimes (plus you can create your own ranks) but torn allows you to tick what's allowed for each rank 


but nice job mccodes gang system is messy and just pretty shit tbh 

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25 minutes ago, SwiftGameR said:

This is the sorta gang system i was going to create it reminds me of torns factions as this is pretty much how a lot of torns faction work (Accept leader / co coleader) can set what they can do by sending mails accepting members vault crimes (plus you can create your own ranks) but torn allows you to tick what's allowed for each rank 


but nice job mccodes gang system is messy and just pretty shit tbh 

doing the tick box is a really good idea, i did not know how to do it tho., and being basically the only one working on it with a family and a full time job.... been a challenge , the other person who was gonna help was my brother but he decided(when he gets too mad at the coding) to give up so its just been me lol


and yeah its a mess, so im trying to build it first and then it will all get sorted for easy adding, fixing, editing, debugging, and ect.

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tick box system could be broken down like this 

html side

Show ranks along the top of the table and down the right side so the options they are allowed to use


Add in some table styles and borers and colours make it cool torn does it by danger normal orange red

Now for ticking and unticking of what is allowed you prob thinking i mean a check box but torn uses a actual X and a Tick Sign to allow which ranks are allowed to do what they do this using jquery by allowing you to click it to make it a tick and click again to make it a x this is just they do it as they have pretty much got there website ajax loaded but you can in the html section have something like 

<form method='post' action=''>
	<table width='100%' style='text-align: center;'>
          <td colspan='2'>
            Can send mail: <input type='checkbox' name='mail' />
            Can access vault: <input type='checkbox' name='vault' />

that is just a quick something to show u what i mean tick box to be allowed you can use jquery and ajax to send request to php code to update on back end but you would need to assign ids to to each input box. I am not the most experienced developer in js etc but im sure someone else prob have a better way than me.

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